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Common Queries

Tell me about the developer and owner of this app?

I,Ilak Manoharan, is the developer and owner of this app. Here is my LinkedInprofile:

My email is:


What is the purpose of this app?

I, Ilak Manoharan, developed this app to give a study aide to 5th graders. But this app can be used and enjoyed by anyone who wants to give a boost to their brain function or who likes to have fun with math.

Are there other Apps that serve similar purposes. What makes yours the best?

I haven't seen any app similar to this. This app gives endless practices to certain topics in whole numbers for the Grade 5 curriculum. Children that belong to other grades can also use this app because this kind of math practice is very good for the brain development.


Other apps in the market that gives math practices to kids are expensive requiring monthly subscription with limited questions for practice. But this app creates questions dynamically and hence gives us endless quiz in a few topics.

How often are there updates to the App?

There could be updates to this app in the near future based on user's feedback.

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App Features:

QuizzlyMath5-WholeNumbers Version1- An IOS app to learn whole numbers in a fun way.

Endless adhoc quizzes for odd and 

even numbers, number sequences, multiplication and division practice.

The whole numbers question bank has more than 180 objective questions. There is a bookmark feature too, to return to where we left.

There is a multiples calculator which generates the first 10 multiples of a number within the given range.

This app is originally developed for fifth graders but can be enjoyed by anyone who would like to boost the brain function by having fun with the whole numbers.

This app is appreciated by students taking part in competitive math bees and mathletics.

Quizzes, calculators and handy facts


Multiples calculator


Multiplication and division practice

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